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Check Classified Content
The data compliance management tool is launched to meet the needs of enterprises and public institutions for
data security risks, compliance inspection and data classification and classification, and provides unifiedinstitution
report output to facilitate the summary, statistics and analysis of inspection results.
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Recognition from customers all over the world
Data Security Scanning
Fast Locating Of Sensitive Data
The distribution of sensitive data in the business environment, as well as data types,
levels are automatically scanned to meet the requirements of insurance, reinsurance,
and industry-related data security regulations.
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Scanning And Discovering
Comprehensive coverage of structured, unstructured data type checking scope.
Data classification and identification rules will automatically cover various industries.
Visual Report
Sort out data assets, output data accounts, and meet the safety and compliance of users.
Implement Confidential Compliance Control
It is used for data security and compliance testing of terminal PC, database, cloud, big data platform and application storage.
Compatible with all kinds of operating systems, can run independently on a single machine.
Full Adaptation
Support mainstream databases, and all kinds of document recognition and content analysis.
Searching Massive Data
Based on various computing technologies, the efficient inspection of massive data is realized.
Cooperative Protection
It can form a complete security system with Ping32 data Leakage Prevention to ensure data security.
High Accuracy
Natural language processing technology is used to greatly improve the recognition accuracy.
Intelligent Speed Up
GPU heterogeneous parallel computing is used to realize the fast inspection of data content.
Application Scenarios
Data Compliance In Different Scenarios
Assist enterprises and institutions to grasp the health status
of classified information systems in time to ensure the safe
operation of classified assets.
Level 2.0 Compliance Check
Assist all units to grasp the health status of classified information systems in time and meet data security regulations.
Compliance Risk Detection
The special inspection policy template can be customized according to needs to support the detection of specific scenarios.
Industry Sensitive Data Detection
It supports the inspection of the data of organs and units to prevent the disclosure of data in the process of circulation.
Product Revenue
Meet Compliance
Provide technical means and technical support for sensitive data self-inspection of enterprises and institutions.
Data Loss Prevention
Discover the hidden dangers of leakage in time, plug the loopholes, and ensure the data security of the country.
Grasp Data Dynamics
For users to fully grasp the classification, classification and distribution of sensitive data assets in the whole domain.
Contact Us
NSecsoft Co., Ltd.
High-tech Zone, Jinan City, Shandong Province, China
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